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Decay Functions

These functions are used in the DecayEstimator to generate sample weights for the wrapped model.

sklego.meta._decay_utils.exponential_decay(X, y, decay_rate=0.999)

Generates an exponential decay by mapping input data X, y to a exponential decreasing range \(w_{t-1} = decay\_rate * w_{t}\). The length of the decay is determined by the number of samples in y.


It is up to the user to sort the dataset appropriately.


Name Type Description Default
X array-like, shape=(n_samples, n_features,)

Training data. Unused, present for API consistency by convention.

y array-like, shape=(n_samples,)

Target values. Used to determine the number of samples in the decay.

decay_rate float

The rate of decay.



Type Description
np.ndarray, shape=(n_samples,)

The decay values.


Type Description

If decay_rate not between 0 and 1.

Source code in sklego/meta/
def exponential_decay(X, y, decay_rate=0.999):
    r"""Generates an exponential decay by mapping input data `X`, `y` to a exponential decreasing range
    $w_{t-1} = decay\_rate * w_{t}$. The length of the decay is determined by the number of samples in `y`.

    !!! warning
        It is up to the user to sort the dataset appropriately.

    X : array-like, shape=(n_samples, n_features,)
        Training data. Unused, present for API consistency by convention.
    y : array-like, shape=(n_samples,)
        Target values. Used to determine the number of samples in the decay.
    decay_rate : float, default=0.999
        The rate of decay.

    np.ndarray, shape=(n_samples,)
        The decay values.

        If `decay_rate` not between 0 and 1.

    if decay_rate <= 0 or decay_rate >= 1:
        raise ValueError(f"`decay_rate` must be between 0. and 1., found {decay_rate}")
    n_samples = y.shape[0]
    return decay_rate ** np.arange(n_samples, 0, -1)

sklego.meta._decay_utils.linear_decay(X, y, min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0)

Generates a linear decay by mapping input data X, y to a linearly decreasing range from max_value to min_value. The length and step of the decay is determined by the number of samples in y.


It is up to the user to sort the dataset appropriately.


Name Type Description Default
X array-like, shape=(n_samples, n_features,)

Training data. Unused, present for API consistency by convention.

y array-like, shape=(n_samples,)

Target values. Used to determine the number of samples in the decay.

min_value float

The minimum value of the decay.

max_value float

The maximum value of the decay.



Type Description
np.ndarray, shape=(n_samples,)

The decay values.


Type Description

If min_value is greater than max_value.

Source code in sklego/meta/
def linear_decay(X, y, min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0):
    """Generates a linear decay by mapping input data `X`, `y` to a linearly decreasing range from `max_value`
    to `min_value`. The length and step of the decay is determined by the number of samples in `y`.

    !!! warning
        It is up to the user to sort the dataset appropriately.

    X : array-like, shape=(n_samples, n_features,)
        Training data. Unused, present for API consistency by convention.
    y : array-like, shape=(n_samples,)
        Target values. Used to determine the number of samples in the decay.
    min_value : float, default=0.
        The minimum value of the decay.
    max_value : float, default=1.
        The maximum value of the decay.

    np.ndarray, shape=(n_samples,)
        The decay values.

        If `min_value` is greater than `max_value`.

    if min_value > max_value:
        raise ValueError("`min_value` must be less than or equal to `max_value`")

    n_samples = y.shape[0]
    return np.linspace(min_value, max_value, n_samples + 1)[1:]

sklego.meta._decay_utils.sigmoid_decay(X, y, growth_rate=None, min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0)

Generates a sigmoid decay function that maps input data X, y to a non-linearly decreasing range from max_value to min_value. The steepness of the decay is determined by the growth_rate parameter. If not provided this will be set to 10 / n_samples, which is a "good enough" default for most cases.


It is up to the user to sort the dataset appropriately.


Name Type Description Default
X array-like, shape=(n_samples, n_features,)

Training data. Unused, present for API consistency by convention.

y array-like, shape=(n_samples,)

Target values. Used to determine the number of samples in the decay.

growth_rate float | None

The growth rate of the sigmoid function. If not provided this will be set to 10 / n_samples.

min_value float

The minimum value of the decay.

max_value float

The maximum value of the decay.



Type Description
np.ndarray, shape=(n_samples,)

The decay values.


Type Description
  • If min_value is greater than max_value.
  • If growth_rate is specified and not between 0 and 1.
Source code in sklego/meta/
def sigmoid_decay(X, y, growth_rate=None, min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0):
    """Generates a sigmoid decay function that maps input data `X`, `y` to a non-linearly decreasing range from
    `max_value` to `min_value`. The steepness of the decay is determined by the `growth_rate` parameter.
    If not provided this will be set to `10 / n_samples`, which is a "good enough" default for most cases.

    !!! warning
        It is up to the user to sort the dataset appropriately.

    X : array-like, shape=(n_samples, n_features,)
        Training data. Unused, present for API consistency by convention.
    y : array-like, shape=(n_samples,)
        Target values. Used to determine the number of samples in the decay.
    growth_rate : float | None, default=None
        The growth rate of the sigmoid function. If not provided this will be set to `10 / n_samples`.
    min_value : float, default=0.
        The minimum value of the decay.
    max_value : float, default=1.
        The maximum value of the decay.

    np.ndarray, shape=(n_samples,)
        The decay values.

        - If `min_value` is greater than `max_value`.
        - If `growth_rate` is specified and not between 0 and 1.

    if min_value > max_value:
        raise ValueError("`min_value` must be less than or equal to `max_value`")

    if growth_rate is not None and (growth_rate <= 0 or growth_rate >= 1):
        raise ValueError("`growth_rate` must be between 0. and 1.")

    n_samples = y.shape[0]
    growth_rate = growth_rate or 10 / n_samples

    return min_value + (max_value - min_value) * _sigmoid(
        x=np.arange(n_samples), growth_rate=growth_rate, offset=n_samples // 2

sklego.meta._decay_utils.stepwise_decay(X, y, n_steps=None, step_size=None, min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0)

Generates a stepwise decay function that maps input data X, y to a decreasing range from max_value to min_value.

It is possible to specify one of n_steps or step_size to determine the behaviour of the decay.

  • If step_size is provided, the decay will be split into n_samples // step_size steps, each of which will decrease the value by step_width = (max_value - min_value) / n_steps.
  • If n_steps is provided, the decay will be split into n_steps steps, each of which will decrease the value by step_width = (max_value - min_value) / n_steps.

Each step of length step_size has constant weight, and then decreases by step_width until the minimum value is reached.


It is up to the user to sort the dataset appropriately.


Name Type Description Default
X array-like, shape=(n_samples, n_features,)

Training data. Unused, present for API consistency by convention.

y array-like, shape=(n_samples,)

Target values. Used to determine the number of samples in the decay.

n_steps int | None

The total number of steps in the decay.

step_size int | None

The number of samples for each step in the decay.

min_value float

The minimum value of the decay.

max_value float

The maximum value of the decay.



Type Description
np.ndarray, shape=(n_samples,)

The decay values.


Type Description
  • If min_value is greater than max_value.
  • If no value or both values are provided for n_steps or step_size.
  • If step_size less than 0 or greater than the number of samples.
  • If n_steps less than 0 or greater than the number of samples.
  • If n_steps is not an integer.
  • If step_size is not an integer.
Source code in sklego/meta/
def stepwise_decay(X, y, n_steps=None, step_size=None, min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0):
    """Generates a stepwise decay function that maps input data `X`, `y` to a decreasing range from `max_value` to

    It is possible to specify one of `n_steps` or `step_size` to determine the behaviour of the decay.

    - If `step_size` is provided, the decay will be split into `n_samples // step_size` steps, each of which will
        decrease the value by `step_width = (max_value - min_value) / n_steps`.
    - If `n_steps` is provided, the decay will be split into `n_steps` steps, each of which will decrease the value
        by `step_width = (max_value - min_value) / n_steps`.

    Each *step* of length *step_size* has constant weight, and then decreases by `step_width` until the minimum value is

    !!! warning
        It is up to the user to sort the dataset appropriately.

    X : array-like, shape=(n_samples, n_features,)
        Training data. Unused, present for API consistency by convention.
    y : array-like, shape=(n_samples,)
        Target values. Used to determine the number of samples in the decay.
    n_steps : int | None, default=None
        The total number of steps in the decay.
    step_size : int | None, default=None
        The number of samples for each step in the decay.
    min_value : float, default=0.
        The minimum value of the decay.
    max_value : float, default=1.
        The maximum value of the decay.

    np.ndarray, shape=(n_samples,)
        The decay values.

        - If `min_value` is greater than `max_value`.
        - If no value or both values are provided for `n_steps` or `step_size`.
        - If `step_size` less than 0 or greater than the number of samples.
        - If `n_steps` less than 0 or greater than the number of samples.
        - If `n_steps` is not an integer.
        - If `step_size` is not an integer.

    if min_value > max_value:
        raise ValueError("`min_value` must be less than or equal to `max_value`")

    if step_size is None and n_steps is None:
        raise ValueError("Either `step_size` or `n_steps` must be provided")

    elif step_size is not None and n_steps is not None:
        raise ValueError("Only one of `step_size` or `n_steps` must be provided")

    elif step_size is not None and n_steps is None:
        if not isinstance(step_size, int):
            raise TypeError("`step_size` must be an integer")

        if step_size <= 0:
            raise ValueError("`step_size` must be greater than 0")

    elif step_size is None and n_steps is not None:
        if not isinstance(n_steps, int):
            raise TypeError("`n_steps` must be an integer")

        if n_steps <= 0:
            raise ValueError("`n_steps` must be greater than 0")

    n_samples = y.shape[0]

    if step_size is not None and step_size > n_samples:
        raise ValueError("`step_size` must be less than or equal to the number of samples")

    if n_steps is not None and n_steps > n_samples:
        raise ValueError("`n_steps` must be less than or equal to the number of samples")

    n_steps = n_samples // step_size if step_size is not None else n_steps
    step_size = n_samples // n_steps
    step_width = (max_value - min_value) / n_steps

    return max_value - (np.arange(n_samples, 0, -1) // step_size) * step_width