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API Details


This object represents a nearest neighbor lookup service. You can pass it an encoder and a method to index the data.

Arguments: - encoder: A scikit-learn compatible encoder for the input. - indexer: A compatible indexer for the nearest neighbor search.

Indexer Features

The table below shows the features of each indexer.

name support sparse support save incremental index
AnnoyIndexer no yes no
PynnDescentIndexer yes yes no

These can be loaded via:

from simsity.datasets import fetch_clinc, fetch_recipe, fetch_voters

Data Loaders

This library has a few data loaders so that you can play with data.

  • fetch_clinc loads an intent detection dataset with 150+ intents
  • fetch_recipe loads a dataset with recipes titles
  • fetch_voters loads a dataset with voter information that contain typos

They can be loaded via:

from simsity.datasets import fetch_clinc, fetch_recipe, fetch_voters