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"a whole log simpler" ... literally!


You can install this package via pip;

pip install memo

You might want to install extra dependencies depending on your use-case.

pip install "memo[web]"

What does this package do?

This packages contains decorators that can help you route the input/output of functions to files/dataframes and other sources. It's useful in logging results from simulations or machine learning experiments.

import numpy as np 
from memo import memfile

def birthday_experiment(class_size, n_sim):
    """Simulates the birthday paradox. Vectorized = Fast!"""
    sims = np.random.randint(1, 365 + 1, (n_sim, class_size))
    sort_sims = np.sort(sims, axis=1)
    n_uniq = (sort_sims[:, 1:] != sort_sims[:, :-1]).sum(axis = 1) + 1
    return {"est_proba": np.mean(n_uniq != class_size)}

for size in range(2, 40):
    for n_sim in [1000, 10000, 100000]:
        birthday_experiment(class_size=size, n_sim=n_sim)

The decorator ensures that all the keyword arguments and dictionary outputs of a function are logged. To see how it works in more detail, check the quickstart


There is a full course on this tool available on This is the first video.


This library also offers decorators to pipe to other sources.

  • memlist sends the json blobs to a list
  • memfile sends the json blobs to a file
  • memweb sends the json blobs to a server via http-post requests
  • memfunc sends the data to a callable that you supply, like print
  • grid generates a convenient grid for your experiments
  • random_grid generates a randomized grid for your experiments
  • time_taken also logs the time the function takes to run

We also offer an option to parallelize function calls using joblib. This is facilitated with a Runner class which supports multiple backends.

  • Runner(backend="loky")
  • Runner(backend="threading")
  • Runner(backend="multiprocessing")