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Do I really need to output a dictionary?

It's an opinionated packages but we think it's neater that way. You'll usually want to have a name attached to column names in a dataframe and functions can have multiple outputs.

Can I add a progress bar?

You get a progress bar if you're using a Runner


import numpy as np

from memo import memlist, memfile, grid, time_taken, Runner

data = []

def birthday_experiment(class_size, n_sim):
    """Simulates the birthday paradox. Vectorized = Fast!"""
    sims = np.random.randint(1, 365 + 1, (n_sim, class_size))
    sort_sims = np.sort(sims, axis=1)
    n_uniq = (sort_sims[:, 1:] != sort_sims[:, :-1]).sum(axis = 1) + 1
    proba = np.mean(n_uniq != class_size)
    return {"est_proba": proba}

settings = grid(class_size=range(20, 30), n_sim=[100, 10_000, 1_000_000])

# This runner comes with a progress bar
runner = Runner(backend="threading", n_jobs=1), settings=settings)

Can I get amazing visualisations?

Sure, but they won't be supplied by this package. Instead we might recommend checking out hiplot. It gives a pretty parallel coordinates from jupyter notebook.

If you've got a list with dictionaries you can run;

import hiplot as hip
data = [{'dropout':0.1, 'lr': 0.001, 'loss': 10.0, 'optimizer': 'SGD'},
        {'dropout':0.15, 'lr': 0.01, 'loss': 3.5, 'optimizer': 'Adam'},
        {'dropout':0.3, 'lr': 0.1, 'loss': 4.5, 'optimizer': 'Adam'}]

You can read in a file locally as well.

import pandas as pd
import hiplot as hip
df = pd.read_json("collected-data.jsonl", lines=True)
data = df.to_dict(orient='records')
