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Features Selection


Bases: SelectorMixin, BaseEstimator

Maximum Relevance Minimum Redundancy (MRMR) is an iterative feature selection method commonly used in data science to select a subset of features from a larger feature set. The goal of MRMR is to choose features that have high relevance to the target variable while minimizing redundancy among the already selected features.

How MRMR works:

  1. Compute the relevance of each feature to the target variable: The relevance of a feature is typically measured using a metric such as mutual information, correlation coefficient, or another appropriate measure of dependence between the feature and the target variable.

  2. Compute the redundancy between each pair of features: Redundancy is the degree of similarity or overlap between features. It can be measured using metrics such as mutual information, correlation coefficient, or other similarity measures.

  3. Select features based on the maximum relevance and minimum redundancy criteria: MRMR aims to maximize the relevance of selected features to the target variable while minimizing redundancy among them.

  4. Construct the final subset of features: MRMR iteratively adds features to the selected subset until a predefined number of features is reached.

The implemented formula is:

\[\text{score}_{i}(f) = \frac{\text{relevance}(f | y)}{\text{redundancy}(f | \text{selected}_{i-1})}\]


If a custom relevance_func is provided it must have this signature: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], np.ndarray] It should accept X, y as arguments and it should compute the score for each feature of X and return an array of shape (n_features_in_,).


If a custom redundancy_func is provided it must have the same signature as the method _redundancy_pearson, hence the function must have three parameters:

- X : array-like, shape=(n_samples, n_features,). Training used to compute redundancy of the training features.

- selected : array-like. List of indexes of the selected features at iteration i-th.

- left : array-like. List of indexes of the left features at iteration i-th. Mrmr will select a feature from this list.

and it must return:

- np.ndarray, shape = (len(left), ), The array containing the redundancy score using the custom function.

New in version 0.8.0


Name Type Description Default
k int

Number of feature the model should use.

relevance_func str | Callable

The relevance function to use. The default maps to scikit-learn f_classif or f_regression for classification or regression (resp.)

redundancy_func str | Callable

The redundancy function to use. The default maps to Pearson correlation computed for each remaining features.

kind Literal[auto, classficiation, regression]

'classification' or 'regression' or 'auto' if auto the model will try to infer the type of problem looking at the y data type, by default "auto".



Name Type Description
_y_dtype dtype

data type of y

selected_features_ array-like of shape (k,)

Indexes of the selected features.

scores_ array-like of shape (k,)

Scores of the selected features.


from sklego.feature_selection import MaximumRelevanceMinimumRedundancy
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification

mrmr =  MaximumRelevanceMinimumRedundancy(k=4,

X, y = make_classification(n_features=4)

# Fit mrmr model
mrmr =, y)

# Selected features
selected_features = mrmr.selected_features_

# Get the scores of the selected features
feature_scores = mrmr.scores_
Source code in sklego/feature_selection/
class MaximumRelevanceMinimumRedundancy(SelectorMixin, BaseEstimator):
    r"""Maximum Relevance Minimum Redundancy (MRMR) is an iterative feature selection method commonly used in data
    science to select a subset of features from a larger feature set. The goal of MRMR is to choose features that
    have high relevance to the target variable while minimizing redundancy among the already selected features.

    How MRMR works:

    1. Compute the relevance of each feature to the target variable: The relevance of a feature is typically
    measured using a metric such as mutual information, correlation coefficient, or another appropriate measure of
    dependence between the feature and the target variable.

    2. Compute the redundancy between each pair of features: Redundancy is the degree of similarity or overlap between
    features. It can be measured using metrics such as mutual information, correlation coefficient, or other similarity

    3. Select features based on the maximum relevance and minimum redundancy criteria: MRMR aims to maximize the
    relevance of selected features to the target variable while minimizing redundancy among them.

    4. Construct the final subset of features: MRMR iteratively adds features to the selected subset until a predefined
    number of features is reached.

    The implemented formula is:

    $$\text{score}_{i}(f) = \frac{\text{relevance}(f | y)}{\text{redundancy}(f | \text{selected}_{i-1})}$$

    !!! warning
        If a custom relevance_func is provided it must have this signature:
        `Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], np.ndarray]`
        It should accept X, y as arguments and it should compute the score for each feature of X
        and return an array of shape (n_features_in_,).

    !!! warning
        If a custom redundancy_func is provided it must have the same signature as the method _redundancy_pearson, hence
        the function must have three parameters:

            - X : array-like, shape=(n_samples, n_features,). Training used to compute redundancy of the training features.

            - selected : array-like. List of indexes of the selected features at iteration i-th.

            - left : array-like. List of indexes of the left features at iteration i-th. Mrmr will select a feature from this list.

        and it must return:

            - np.ndarray, shape = (len(left), ), The array containing the redundancy score using the custom function.

    !!! info "New in version 0.8.0"

    k : int
        Number of feature the model should use.
    relevance_func : str | Callable, default="f"
        The relevance function to use. The default maps to scikit-learn [f_classif]( or  [f_regression]( for classification or regression (resp.)
    redundancy_func : str | Callable, default="p"
        The redundancy function to use. The default maps to Pearson correlation computed for each remaining features.
    kind : Literal["auto", "classficiation", "regression"], default="auto".
        'classification' or 'regression' or 'auto' if auto the model
        will try to infer the type of problem looking at the y data type, by default "auto".

    _y_dtype : np.dtype
        data type of y
    selected_features_ : array-like of shape (k,)
        Indexes of the selected features.
    scores_ : array-like of shape (k,)
        Scores of the selected features.

    from sklego.feature_selection import MaximumRelevanceMinimumRedundancy
    from sklearn.datasets import make_classification

    mrmr =  MaximumRelevanceMinimumRedundancy(k=4,

    X, y = make_classification(n_features=4)

    # Fit mrmr model
    mrmr =, y)

    # Selected features
    selected_features = mrmr.selected_features_

    # Get the scores of the selected features
    feature_scores = mrmr.scores_

    def __init__(self, k, *, relevance_func="f", redundancy_func="p", kind="auto"):
        self.k = k
        self.relevance_func = relevance_func
        self.redundancy_func = redundancy_func
        self.kind = kind

    def _get_support_mask(self):
        """SelectorMixin base function to get the selected features mask

            Array of boolean, mask indicating if feature n is selected by mrmr or not.
        check_is_fitted(self, ["selected_features_"])
        all_features = np.arange(0, self.n_features_in_)
        return np.isin(all_features, self.selected_features_)

    def _get_relevance(self):
        """get relevance function from init values."""
        if self.relevance_func == "f":
            if (self.kind == "auto" and np.issubdtype(self._y_dtype, np.integer)) | (self.kind == "classification"):
                return lambda X, y: np.nan_to_num(f_classif(X, y)[0])
            elif (self.kind == "auto" and np.issubdtype(self._y_dtype, np.floating)) | (self.kind == "regression"):
                return lambda X, y: np.nan_to_num(f_regression(X, y)[0])
                raise ValueError(
                    "`kind` parameter must be 'auto', 'classification' or 'regression' and y dtype must be numeric"
        elif callable(self.relevance_func):
            return self.relevance_func
            raise ValueError(f"Relevance function supported are 'f' or Callable, got {self.relevance_func}")

    def _get_redundancy(self):
        """get redundancy function from init values."""
        if self.redundancy_func == "p":
            return _redundancy_pearson
        elif callable(self.redundancy_func):
            return self.redundancy_func
            raise ValueError(f"Redundancy function supported are 'p' or Callable, got {self.redundancy_func}")

    def fit(self, X, y):
        """Fit the underlying feature selection algorithm on the training data `X` and `y`
        using the provided redundancy and relevance functions.

        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
            Training data.
        y : array-like of shape (n_samples,)
            Target values.

        self : MaximumRelevanceMinimumRedundancy
            The fitted estimator.


                k parameter is not integer type or is < n_features_in (X.shape[1]) or < 1
        X, y = check_X_y(X, y)
        self._y_dtype = y.dtype

        relevance = self._get_relevance
        redundancy = self._get_redundancy

        self.n_features_in_ = X.shape[1]
        left_features = list(range(self.n_features_in_))
        selected_features = []
        selected_scores = []

        if not isinstance(self.k, int):
            raise ValueError("k parameter must be integer type")
        if self.k > self.n_features_in_:
            raise ValueError(f"k ({self.k}) parameter must be less than n_features_in_ ({self.n_features_in_})")
        elif self.k == self.n_features_in_:
            warnings.warn("k parameter is equal to n_features_in, no feature selection is applied")
            return np.asarray(left_features)
        elif self.k < 1:
            raise ValueError(f"k ({self.k}) parameter must be greater than or equal to 1")

        # computed one time for all features

        rel_score = relevance(X, y)

        for i in range(self.k):
            red_i = redundancy(X, selected_features, left_features) / i if i > 0 else 1
            mrmr_score_i = rel_score[left_features] / red_i
            selected_index = np.argmax(mrmr_score_i)
            selected_features += [left_features.pop(selected_index)]
            selected_scores += [mrmr_score_i[selected_index]]
        self.selected_features_ = np.asarray(selected_features)
        self.scores_ = np.asarray(selected_scores)
        return self

fit(X, y)

Fit the underlying feature selection algorithm on the training data X and y using the provided redundancy and relevance functions.


Name Type Description Default
X array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)

Training data.

y array-like of shape (n_samples,)

Target values.



Name Type Description
self MaximumRelevanceMinimumRedundancy

The fitted estimator.


Type Description


k parameter is not integer type or is < n_features_in (X.shape[1]) or < 1
Source code in sklego/feature_selection/
def fit(self, X, y):
    """Fit the underlying feature selection algorithm on the training data `X` and `y`
    using the provided redundancy and relevance functions.

    X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
        Training data.
    y : array-like of shape (n_samples,)
        Target values.

    self : MaximumRelevanceMinimumRedundancy
        The fitted estimator.


            k parameter is not integer type or is < n_features_in (X.shape[1]) or < 1
    X, y = check_X_y(X, y)
    self._y_dtype = y.dtype

    relevance = self._get_relevance
    redundancy = self._get_redundancy

    self.n_features_in_ = X.shape[1]
    left_features = list(range(self.n_features_in_))
    selected_features = []
    selected_scores = []

    if not isinstance(self.k, int):
        raise ValueError("k parameter must be integer type")
    if self.k > self.n_features_in_:
        raise ValueError(f"k ({self.k}) parameter must be less than n_features_in_ ({self.n_features_in_})")
    elif self.k == self.n_features_in_:
        warnings.warn("k parameter is equal to n_features_in, no feature selection is applied")
        return np.asarray(left_features)
    elif self.k < 1:
        raise ValueError(f"k ({self.k}) parameter must be greater than or equal to 1")

    # computed one time for all features

    rel_score = relevance(X, y)

    for i in range(self.k):
        red_i = redundancy(X, selected_features, left_features) / i if i > 0 else 1
        mrmr_score_i = rel_score[left_features] / red_i
        selected_index = np.argmax(mrmr_score_i)
        selected_features += [left_features.pop(selected_index)]
        selected_scores += [mrmr_score_i[selected_index]]
    self.selected_features_ = np.asarray(selected_features)
    self.scores_ = np.asarray(selected_scores)
    return self