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Scikit-lego includes several datasets which can be used for testing purposes. Each dataset has different options for returning the data:

  • When setting as_frame=True the data, including the target, is returned as a (pandas) dataframe.
  • When setting return_X_y=True the data is returned directly as (data, target) instead of a dict object.

This notebook describes the different sets included in Scikit-lego:


Loads necessary imports used in rest of the code snippets.

from collections import Counter

import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import seaborn as sns



Loads the abalone dataset where the goal is to predict the gender of the creature.

from sklego.datasets import load_abalone

df_abalone = load_abalone(as_frame=True)
sex length diameter height whole_weight shucked_weight viscera_weight shell_weight rings
M 0.455 0.365 0.095 0.514 0.2245 0.101 0.15 15
M 0.35 0.265 0.09 0.2255 0.0995 0.0485 0.07 7
F 0.53 0.42 0.135 0.677 0.2565 0.1415 0.21 9
M 0.44 0.365 0.125 0.516 0.2155 0.114 0.155 10
I 0.33 0.255 0.08 0.205 0.0895 0.0395 0.055 7
X, y = load_abalone(return_X_y=True), Counter(y).values())
plt.title("Distribution of sex (target)")



Loads the arrests dataset which can serve as a benchmark for fairness.

It is data on the police treatment of individuals arrested in Toronto for simple possession of small quantities of marijuana.

The goal is to predict whether or not the arrestee was released with a summons while maintaining a degree of fairness.

from sklego.datasets import load_arrests

df_arrests = load_arrests(as_frame=True)
released colour year age sex employed citizen checks
Yes White 2002 21 Male Yes Yes 3
No Black 1999 17 Male Yes Yes 3
Yes White 2000 24 Male Yes Yes 3
No Black 2000 46 Male Yes Yes 1
Yes Black 1999 27 Female Yes Yes 1
X, y = load_arrests(return_X_y=True), Counter(y).values())
plt.title("Distribution of released (target)")



Loads the chicken dataset. The data has 578 rows and 4 columns from an experiment on the effect of diet on early growth of chicks.

The body weights of the chicks were measured at birth and every second day thereafter until day 20. They were also measured on day 21.

There were four groups on chicks on different protein diets.

from sklego.datasets import load_chicken

df_chicken = load_chicken(as_frame=True)
weight time chick diet
42 0 1 1
51 2 1 1
59 4 1 1
64 6 1 1
76 8 1 1
X, y = load_chicken(return_X_y=True)

plt.title("Distribution of weight (target)")



Loads the Cleveland Heart Diseases dataset. The goal is to predict the presence of a heart disease (target values 1, 2, 3, and 4).

The data originates from research to heart diseases by four institutions and originally contains 76 attributes. Yet, all published experiments refer to using a subset of 13 features and one target.

This implementation loads the Cleveland dataset of the research which is the only set used by ML researchers to this date.

from sklego.datasets import load_hearts

df_hearts = load_hearts(as_frame=True)
age sex cp trestbps chol fbs restecg thalach exang oldpeak slope ca thal target
63 1 1 145 233 1 2 150 0 2.3 3 0 fixed 0
67 1 4 160 286 0 2 108 1 1.5 2 3 normal 1
67 1 4 120 229 0 2 129 1 2.6 2 2 reversible 0
37 1 3 130 250 0 0 187 0 3.5 3 0 normal 0
41 0 2 130 204 0 2 172 0 1.4 1 0 normal 0
X, y = load_hearts(return_X_y=True), Counter(y).values())
plt.title("Distribution of presence of heart disease (target)")



A dataset from the video game Heroes of the storm.

The goal of the dataset is to predict the attack type.

Note that the pandas dataset returns more information.

from sklego.datasets import load_heroes

df_heroes = load_heroes(as_frame=True)
name attack_type role health attack attack_spd
Artanis Melee Bruiser 2470 111 1
Chen Melee Bruiser 2473 90 1.11
Dehaka Melee Bruiser 2434 100 1.11
Imperius Melee Bruiser 2450 122 0.83
Leoric Melee Bruiser 2550 109 0.77
X, y = load_heroes(return_X_y=True), Counter(y).values())
plt.title("Distribution of attack_type (target)")



Loads the penguins dataset, which is a lovely alternative for the iris dataset. We"ve added this dataset for educational use.

Data were collected and made available by Dr. Kristen Gorman and the Palmer Station, Antarctica LTER, a member of the Long Term Ecological Research Network.

The goal of the dataset is to predict which species of penguin a penguin belongs to.

from sklego.datasets import load_penguins

df_penguins = load_penguins(as_frame=True)
species island bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm flipper_length_mm body_mass_g sex
Adelie Torgersen 39.1 18.7 181 3750 male
Adelie Torgersen 39.5 17.4 186 3800 female
Adelie Torgersen 40.3 18 195 3250 female
Adelie Torgersen nan nan nan nan nan
Adelie Torgersen 36.7 19.3 193 3450 female
X, y = load_penguins(return_X_y=True), Counter(y).values())
plt.title("Distribution of species (target)")


Creditcard frauds

Loads the creditcard dataset. Downloads it if necessary.

Note that internally this is using sklearn.datasets.fetch_openml, which is experimental.

==============   ==============
Samples total            284807
Dimensionality               29
Features                   real
Target                 int 0, 1
==============   ==============

The datasets contains transactions made by credit cards in September 2013 by european cardholders. This dataset present transactions that occurred in two days, where we have 492 frauds out of 284,807 transactions.

The dataset is highly unbalanced, the positive class (frauds) account for 0.172% of all transactions.

Please cite:

Andrea Dal Pozzolo, Olivier Caelen, Reid A. Johnson and Gianluca Bontempi.
Calibrating Probability with Undersampling for Unbalanced Classification.
In Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining (CIDM), IEEE, 2015

from sklego.datasets import fetch_creditcard

dict_creditcard = fetch_creditcard(as_frame=True)
df_creditcard = dict_creditcard["frame"]
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 V16 V17 V18 V19 V20 V21 V22 V23 V24 V25 V26 V27 V28 Amount Class
-1.35981 -0.0727812 2.53635 1.37816 -0.338321 0.462388 0.239599 0.0986979 0.363787 0.0907942 -0.5516 -0.617801 -0.99139 -0.311169 1.46818 -0.470401 0.207971 0.0257906 0.403993 0.251412 -0.0183068 0.277838 -0.110474 0.0669281 0.128539 -0.189115 0.133558 -0.0210531 149.62 0
1.19186 0.266151 0.16648 0.448154 0.0600176 -0.0823608 -0.078803 0.0851017 -0.255425 -0.166974 1.61273 1.06524 0.489095 -0.143772 0.635558 0.463917 -0.114805 -0.183361 -0.145783 -0.0690831 -0.225775 -0.638672 0.101288 -0.339846 0.16717 0.125895 -0.0089831 0.0147242 2.69 0
-1.35835 -1.34016 1.77321 0.37978 -0.503198 1.8005 0.791461 0.247676 -1.51465 0.207643 0.624501 0.0660837 0.717293 -0.165946 2.34586 -2.89008 1.10997 -0.121359 -2.26186 0.52498 0.247998 0.771679 0.909412 -0.689281 -0.327642 -0.139097 -0.0553528 -0.0597518 378.66 0
-0.966272 -0.185226 1.79299 -0.863291 -0.0103089 1.2472 0.237609 0.377436 -1.38702 -0.0549519 -0.226487 0.178228 0.507757 -0.287924 -0.631418 -1.05965 -0.684093 1.96578 -1.23262 -0.208038 -0.1083 0.0052736 -0.190321 -1.17558 0.647376 -0.221929 0.0627228 0.0614576 123.5 0
-1.15823 0.877737 1.54872 0.403034 -0.407193 0.0959215 0.592941 -0.270533 0.817739 0.753074 -0.822843 0.538196 1.34585 -1.11967 0.175121 -0.451449 -0.237033 -0.0381948 0.803487 0.408542 -0.0094307 0.798278 -0.137458 0.141267 -0.20601 0.502292 0.219422 0.215153 69.99 0
X, y = dict_creditcard["data"], dict_creditcard["target"], Counter(y).values())
plt.title("Distribution of fraud (target)")



Generate a very simple timeseries dataset to play with. The generator assumes to generate daily data with a season, trend and noise.

from sklego.datasets import make_simpleseries

df_simpleseries = make_simpleseries(as_frame=True, n_samples=1500, trend=0.001)
0 -0.335058
1 -0.283375
2 0.521791
3 0.50202
4 0.310048
plt.title("Timeseries yt")
